Sorry for not putting up any updates lately. I have been fortunate enough this winter to spend quite a bit of time out on the slopes this winter with friends and co-workers, and this week will be no exception. I get to spend the first couple days of the work week skiing and call it "work" I will reiterate once again how much I love my job. Nothing all that new and exciting going on recently actually. I have started playing ice hockey again after a good 10 year long hiatus, and the Olympics is giving me the serious desire to learn curling too. I feel as though I would be ridiculously good at that "sport". But nonetheless, it's fun getting back out on the ice and getting rid of some frustrations.
Anyway, on to the boat... I've made a little bit of progress lately although I have slowed down dramatically due to weekend trips and the cold weather hindering my epoxy use. That being said I have begun assembling the cabin walls and the hull topsides and seatbacks. See the pics below.
I thought this one was funny b/c after snipping so many wires to stitch the boat together my wire snips broke. Oh well, they were cheap to begin with.

Here I'm temporarily stitching the topsides in place in order to properly locate the rear cabin wall...
As you'll see here the foredeck is not in place b/c the topsides are only temporarily in place. But you can see the flotation foam that is installed in the bow per US Coast Guard rules...
Here is a look at the cabin rood support beams in place. Eventually the deck and companionway will be here.
Even though the topsides are only temporarily in I think this is a cool picture b/c it gives you a good idea of the hull shape. Notice my footstool to get in and out of the boat is a case of beer. I think that's funny.
Here is the completed rudder, sanded down to 220 grit. This was fun to build b/c it's one of the few pieces I could work on in cold weather, (I brought it inside at night while the epoxy was curing) I still need to coat it in fiberglass and epoxy but that can wait till warmer weather I suppose.
That's it for now... At the moment I'm glassing the insides of the topsides and stitching them in place for permanent epoxy work. Cheerio!