Cause I live for the music... no matter what the world comes to...
Ok, no one will understand what that means but it's all good. This blog is for me just as much as it is for you.
One of my favorite things to do in life right now is to head into the garage despite the frigid temps, crank up my speakers connected to my phone and use power tools while listening to Armin, Ferry, and Deadmau5... Nothing makes me happier.
That being said, I finally have a few pictures of hardware being installed on the boat and some of the finer details being worked on. The lower hull will be entirely complete within a week or so... even though I feel behind schedule I'm still pretty pleased considering that epoxy takes 2 or 3 times as long to cure in this weather. (Although, my tenting abilities have advanced considerably) Tenting is essentially covering the areas of the boat where you want the epoxy to cure with a plastic tarp and putting 1 or 2 60 watt work lights inside under the tarp. Under a non-breathable material like plastic, the temp will stay at a steady 65 degrees even if it's -20 on the other side of the plastic. Kinda cool actually. I try to put the lamp near the lowest point until the tarp since thermodynamics more or less dictates that heat rises. (Ok, probably more "more" than "less")
However, in the follow pics you will that the footwell has been installed (via a little coaxing from the hammer)...

And now onto the details... The centerboard pendant sheave has now officially been installed! This is the first notably piece of hardware installed on the boat and quite frankly I am petrified that I will seal it in place by a stray gob of epoxy or something of the sort. Luckily, I only have 1 or 2 steps between now and when it will be sealed up forever inside the centerboard trunk. I had to grind down the bolt in a beautiful but terrifying display of sparks on my grinder. I'm quite sure the grinder is only meant for wood, but fuck it. You use the tools you have, not the ones you want. Right Mr. Dumbfuck Rumsfeld? The bolt is now the perfect length and the acorn nut anchored down beautifully with a squeeze or two or marine caulk. Let's just hope the tiny amount of excess caulk on the bolt doesn't seize the sheave...

Ok, time for Jon Stewart and a delicious Harpoon Celtic Ale.... Yum!
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