Saturday, August 8, 2009

Gotta Have a Place to Work!

Well, if I'm going to seriously undertake this project I realized I needed a place to work... Well, you can see from the photo above what an afternoon's efforts achieved a couple weeks ago. Based on this experience I must say I am encouraged that my woodworking and architectural skills have not completely disappeared. Glad to know my brain still functions on some basic level. I have since acquired a plethora of additional tools as well, including a 10" table saw that absolutely scares the shit out of me. I grew up using my father's radial arm saw and frankly I was about 16 by the time he let me near it. (With his knowledge) The most threatening power tool I have used since is a very nice power drill I bought in college, not exactly a life threatening tool unless serious misused. (I'm pretty sure Jeffrey Dahmer used to kill people with a drill, not exactly the most useful piece of knowledge but I'm willing to bet that qualifies as "misuse")
Anyway... I'm kind of hoping I still have all my fingers and no additional scars by the end of this project. Somehow I doubt I'll be that lucky...

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