So, is it a bad thing when you're hands feel like they're vibrating 2 hours after you're done using an oscillating sander? I'm pretty sure I've lost blood flow in my hands today and collapsed a few capillaries. However, the centerboard is taking shape after sanding away for more than 2 hours on it. I'm pretty sure my neighbors hate me, but they need to suck it up b/c I have many many more hours of boatbuilding to go. I must say though, using the epoxy to create a leading and trailing edge on the board is a pretty cool idea. It will now stand up to many underwater hazards in it's hopefully long life. Next step is to find some lead, melt it down and pour it in that hole. The centerboard trunk is essentially done too, I'll finish sanding that down and rout down the sharp edges that will be part of the cockpit upon completion tomorrow afternoon. I also need to start epoxying the keel together tomorrow. Hopefully I can get the keel blocking right so the keel isn't twisted.
On another note, I have decided I love my respirator. I feel like Darth Vader in that thing. I can literally hear the funky breathing sounds as the positive and negative pressure valves release with each breath. I'm thinking this should be part of a disturbing halloween costume somehow. Hmm, how can I rig a respirator to supply alcohol to my mouth? Thoughts? Also, at the suggestion of my roommate, I will now use this apparatus to clean my bathroom (I do share my bathroom with a stinky mexican after all) It's probably not a good idea to inhale as many noxious Tilex vapors as I have in my lifetime anyway. I also want to use a public toilet with it on, pull it off as I'm walking out and say to an incoming user, "Good Luck!"
Oh, and if you understand the title of this post then you understand my sordid past ;)
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